Orange - Siser Holographic 20" HTV - Champion Crafter

Orange - Siser Holographic 20" HTV

  • $3.99
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Orange - Siser Holographic 20" HTV Chips for color change that give an impression of depth and dimension are included in the holographic. Orange - Siser Holographic 20" HTV will take your designs up to a new level in many special effect hues and finishes. Love the stones appearance, but don't want to go through the hassle? Orange - Siser Holographic 20" HTV may be cut to look exactly as rhinestones, without all the additional labor related to the implementation of rhinestone patterns. There is also a transparent hue in the holographic line: Rainbow Pearl. Rainbow Pearl is an opal finish that varies based on the color of your clothing, unlike any other material. Check out Siser's Holographic blog post!

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