Siser TTD Mask - Champion Crafter

Siser TTD EasyMask

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The majority of application masks in the market are designed to transfer sign vinyl (AKA EasyPSV), which does not require heat. These Siser TTD Mask materials are incompatible with heat transfer vinyl because they leave residue on the garment after heating. Furthermore, peeling away the unsuitable tape may be difficult, slowing down the production process. So, what should a big format owner do? Of course, turn to Siser and Champion for your Siser TTD Mask needs! We've invested a considerable amount of effort developing masking materials that operate in tandem with our digital media. TTD Easy and TTD High Tack are both CLEAR masks that let you to precisely put the image on the garment and simply detach it after pressing! If you need wide format Siser TTD Mask, look no further!

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